m%p;>:"R B.oD9 <9 產品名稱 : 至尊無賴 (香港版)
rHMr8,J; 藝人名稱 : 鄭中基 | 傅穎 | 吳佩慈
&$x1^ 出版日期 : 2006年6月30日 (立即預購!)
=iFI@2 語言 : 國語, 粵語
/hC'-6:]^ 字幕 : 繁體中文 , 英文
|/M^q{h&7s 片長 : 96 分鐘
)_H>d<di 電影級別 : IIB
5/f"dX 重量(連包裝) : 120 g
'z! 出品商 : 美亞影碟 (HK)
b;~?a#Z} 其他資料 : 2VCDs
DQ{"6- p4sU: 《至尊無賴 (香港版)》內容簡介
ndE" v"_H U~l.%mui 導演︰陳嘉上
4*Y`Pn@ Director: Gordan Chan
[Q:C\f] f.{/PL 孫子兵,外號發仔,茶餐廳伙計。做人冇方向,人生冇目標,常自嘲:「死又一世,唔死又大半世」。發仔常與黑幫小混混爆哥等混在一起,然而,他連加入社團的資格也沒有,常被爆哥搵笨,充當一些「行先死先」的爛頭卒角色。近日,幫會大哥杜奇風的一樣重要東西不翼而飛,杜奇風茅頭直指敵對幫會的大家姐行姐。這晚,杜奇風派了老婆淑賢、打手鴻飛及智囊左口與行姐講數。另一邊廂,發仔被爆哥指使「行刺」行姐,發仔出手,當然「行刺」失敗,更慘被打至頭破血流。皮肉之苦,發仔早已習慣,唉聲嘆氣之餘,他竟意外地得到淑賢的一個同情的眼神,原來,他一直暗戀著這個大哥身邊的女人。
_]"uq/UWp y/\0qQ/ 發仔與朱朋決定要當上城市的超人,在黑暗中警惡懲奸,在朱朋的「高科技武器」支援下,兩人一步一步的消滅黑幫,同時,更意想不到的是,因為杜奇風的手下買少見少,發仔竟順利的擠身黑幫的高層中。另一邊廂,杜奇風手下鴻飛使計企圖把行姐趕盡殺絕,誰料,行姐卻逃過大難,不知所蹤,杜奇風擔心行姐的餘黨會對淑賢不利,竟指派發仔保護淑賢。發仔終於可以與多年來魂牽夢縈的女神淑賢在一起,更始料未及的是,淑賢竟求發仔帶她遠走高飛……
5W4Tp% Lda 2$=I+8IL A low-rank triad member Fat is suddenly told by three charming sexy cops, "Actually you are a undercover..." He is given a mission -- to arrest his trial society's chairman. Under the cop's command, Fat goes to find out the criminal evidence of the Chairman. In fact, the chairman's wife is Fat's angel. He thinks the chairman always tortures her, so he wants to rescue her. Actually, chairman's wife is planning to displace her husband with the help of his follower, and now also with Fat's assistance. At the same time, the chairman is trying to cover his real identity by plots... Things become funnier and Fat is falling in love with one of the cops. Is Fat really an undercover? Or is he only a pawn in this game?
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