J 8}BS2C%P 专辑名称:Queens Die Proudly
B`{mdjMy 歌手姓名:Juliette Commagere
= 唱片公司:Aeronaut
{E51Kv&_ 发行日期:2008年10月28日
t`YWwI. 专辑流派:Indie
PNpu*#Z` 推荐指数:4星
?v4E<iXs |@RpWp>2 专辑介绍:
du$Os >3PMnI Keytar enthusiast and former member of indie rock band Hello Stranger, Juliette Commagere is back on the scene and getting serious. Seriously solo. With her new album Queens Die Proudly, produced by Aeronaut Records (it dropped October 28th), Juliette takes things down a level. By things I mean the tempo, keytar, dance-ability, even the volume a bit, but definitely not the quality. This quality goes to 11!
?YBaO,G9o ,?(ciO) Starting off with the didgeridoo enriched track “Hearts”, Juliette sings with cool ambient vocals that echo out through the whole album. Accompanied with short bursts of choir-like sing along and a very worldly sound, this song seems as though it would fit well into a soundtrack for a remake of The Lion King (in a good way).
rslvsS: jXp. qK\" Traveling further down the track list, songs like “Your Ghost”, “All Your Days” and “Where I Go” won’t be found on any soundtrack unless you are flipping through IFC or Sundance. Deep and thoughtful, Juliette takes us on a journey through her title track “Queens Die Proudly” (download). Complete with fast violin and synth action this song gives a glimpse into Juliette’s character and we get to see a little bit of what she’s all about.
.'j29 6[u 8KMvAc The second half of the album is great in every aspect as the first half, but almost too much. A lot of the later songs seem to be too similar and sound exactly like songs in the beginning of the album. They are great songs, but that slow ambient sound is drug out and makes the rest of the album boring and hard to get through. The music, though it is great, would put me to sleep. If you are the kind of person that puts a song on repeat for a long period of time or enjoy zoning out to some chill music, this may be your artist of choice.
9i=B YJ,*(A18 NiA4JgM]v Keytar狂热者同时也是独立摇滚乐队成员的Keytar还有Juliette Commagere又再一次郑重地宣布地重返舞台,更严格意义上来说,应该算是独唱。Juliette的这张专辑《Queens Die Proudly》
I9&lO/c0 由Aeronaut Records唱片公司于10月28日发行,整张专辑让人整体感觉“降低了”,但是这里我说的“降低”指的是节奏、KEYTAR,舞蹈还有音量,而绝不是专辑的制作水准,如果打比喻的话,可以说专辑的质量上升到11的级别。
w>wW- Fp%Ln(/m 专辑中的第一首曲目“Hearts”大量得融入了澳洲土著人的乐曲didgeridoo的元素,整张专辑Juliette的声音清爽而余音梁饶。伴随着快节奏的合唱以及非常现代化的唱腔,这首歌就像极了电影狮子王里面的音乐。
Wp[9beI*M {DwIjy31T 翻阅一下专辑的曲目列表,如果你不翻阅一下《IFC》和《Sundance》的话,你很不容易找到“Your Ghost”, “All Your Days” 和“Where I Go”这三首歌。Juliette在演唱中歌曲“Queens Die Proudly”中的那种深沉和那种思想丰富仿佛将让我们带入了一场旅程一样。这首歌中的节奏很明快的小提琴还有合成乐让我们从中看到了Juliette的个性并能通过歌声了解认识Juliette她这个人的一切。
BpH%STEN 3vW4<:Lgy 专辑的后半部分比前半部分的精彩程度有过之而无不及。很多在后半部分的歌曲让人仿佛看到了靠前几首歌的影子。这些歌曲都是很不错的作品,但是慢吞吞的音乐充斥着无聊气息,有种江郎才尽的感觉让人很难在听下去。虽然不错,但是让我想睡觉。如果你是那种能放一首歌重复聆听很多遍也不觉得烦或者喜欢那种让人感觉很冷的歌曲的朋友的话,这张专辑还有这个歌手将是你的不二之选。
3-|3`( uel{`T[S wL3,g2- L 曲目列表:
1nI^-aQ3 IQnIaZ 1. Hearts
7-*=|gl+ 2. Overcome
=a$Oecg? 3. Your Ghost
}x :f%Z5h 4. Where I Go
gXy-Mpzp 5. All Your Days
q0./O|Dj 6. Queens Die Proudly
.H~YI 7. Nature Of Things
&e 8. Everything I Love
_<*Hv*Zm 9. The Big Middle
10. Berceuse
lH2wG2 11. Wait Until Spring
12. Skyscraper
wK!~tYxP 13. Without Me