GR ^d/ 专辑名称:The New Game
jXCSD@?]K 歌手姓名:Mudvayne
!`$xN~_ 唱片公司:Epic Records
[n!5!/g>j 发行日期:2008年11月
,Q>RtV 专辑流派:Metal
E Qn4+ 推荐指数:4星
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R3,O;9i (s?Rbd The fourth studio album by Mudvayne was originally put on hold in the summer of 2007, due to vocalist Chad Gray and guitarist Greg Tribbett touring with Hellyeah. Following the tour, Mudvayne reunited and began recording the album with producer Dave Fortman, who also produced their previous effort, Lost and Found. The band has completed tracking drums and guitars and is preparing to record bass and vocals, with the mastering stages scheduled for completion by October 1, 2008. Fortman reported to MTV that the album is tentatively titled The New Game, and will be followed six months later by a second full-length record. Among its track listing is the band's 2007 single "Dull Boy", which debuted on the compilation release By the People, for the People.
c"H59 jE 引用:
( 来自伊利诺州的新金属四人组MuDvAyNe,愤怒,仇恨,极度剧烈,亢奋,暴躁的乐风,是由主唱Kud,吉他手Gurrg,贝斯手Ryan,鼓手sPaG为大家呈现上来的音乐饕餮.他们成功的将独特的思想表达在音乐上,不断搅动翻滚的强悍节奏加上曲折诡异的节拍,富于表现焦虑愤恨的狂怒撕吼,让他们的作品有如万花筒般绚烂及不可预测。超强的bass声线,时而弹出的融合爵士的手法又时而能打出强悍的放克节拍,这是于一般的Nu-metal团体最大不同的地方,也是该团的特色。有支叫MuDvAyNe的乐队把新金属的概念重新进行了演绎,阴暗,空灵,压抑,沉重,总之突破了以往的形式。MuDvAyNe有种独特的致迷幻的恐惧与和谐的砂质感,歌曲的主题宽泛,从狂躁的氛围到预言性的声音碎片。这是旷野而又奇特的四重奏在技术上已进步许多,让乐迷能感受到他们的天赋~~
~n<U8cm O 当今美国的金属界,依旧是新金属的天下,从最早Biohazard、Anthrax的耕耘,及横跨Hip-hop,Metal的Judgement Night,定下新金属基础,到新金属教父Korn成功地打入主流市场,Slipknot、Limp Bizkit、Linkin Park、System of A Down以及Mudvayne的商业成功,显示新金属乐团们并不是哗众取巧的投机者,而是以实力挂帅的胜利者.
-Nn@c|fz 曲目列表:
Z&w/JP? Rx,Qw> # 1. Fish Out Of Water
gZ b+m 2. Do What You Do
:<w2j6V 3. A New Game
Q^c)T>OAI 4. Have It Your Way
vC1D}=Fp 5. A Cinderella Story
07FS|>DM'Z 6. The Hate In Me
0! 6n 7. Scarlet Letters
8. Dull Boy
E]<Ce;Vj 9. Same Ol'
l]wjH5mz=i 10. Never Enough
40ZHDtIu< 11. We The People