moonlight shadow - 好正的一首歌
The last that ever she saw him *F!1xyg Carried away by a moonlight shadow ci/qm\JI<< He passed on worried and warning ~@(C+ 3, Carried away by a moonlight shadow g@T}h[ Lost in a river last Saturday night \>G}DGz
Far away on the other side Ay PtbrO He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight %ZX9YuXQ And she couldn't find how to push through Y B,c=Wx @_7rd
!E# '#=0q *8po0s The trees that whisper in the evening a(=lQ(v/? Carried away by a moonlight shadow d4*
SfzB Sing a song of sorrow and grieving iy_Y!wZ{ Carried away by a moonlight shadow &0tW{-Hv" All she saw was a silhouette of a gun YB<nz<;JR Far away on the other side MtaGv#mJ He was shot six times by a man on the run :8hI3]9 And she couldn't find how to push through `-OzjbM NkO
+)= ;+(VO lWtfcU?S[ I stay, I pray #QIY+muN See you in heaven far away d
PvVe/ I stay, I pray oBo*<6 See you in heaven one day 1[8^JVC>6 IZ7o6Etti 2xf lRks $
P5K Four a.m. in the morning Fa[^D~$l* Carried away by a moonlight shadow !Q15
qvRS I watched your vision forming ?d^6ynzn Carried away by a moonlight shadow Wc2&3p9 c Star was light in a silvery night 8=TC 3] Far away on the other side /51$o\4S Will you come to talk to me this night ? D
\h5 But she couldn't find how to push through H-+U^@w 4
ZnQpKg $wp>2 xc 1d[dCdp Caught in the middle of a hundred and five q+9->D(6 The night was heavy but the air was alive +]A,fmI. But she couldn't find how to push through