I have a good receipe for you to make a good dinner with fish. (Steaming) j{a3AEmps -First kill the fish and clearn out all internal parts, and scrape body scale out. )|zna{g\ -Second boiling the water very hot place whole fish on a rack over simmering liquied and cover the the pan tight steam for 25 to minute, then turn the heat low level. After that the cut two or three green onion about one inch long. }D&fw=r"M -third used a clean fry pan to heat it up about 3 minute, then add 1/4 of oil and 1/4 of soy souce into the pan for cook for three minute. XZ8;Ow= -Four take the fish out of the pot place on the counter, then place the green onion around or top of fish. ZIrJ"*QO= -finally, pour the oil and soy souce which you have cook into the cook fish, then you done. here is you dinner hope you enjoy it.