[原創] [TVB] The Mummy Returns 盜墓迷城 2(Eng.Can) ii 英粵繁(雙語) TVmpgII to RMVB 512X384
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=yD:$ [原創]已苦,証明也煩,ii@BT精神.襟
FhyA_U%/nF fmv8)$W#U [節目名稱] [TVB] The Mummy Returns 盜墓迷城 2
SyWLPh [ 類 型 ] 電視電影
R/UL4R,)^ [語音文字] 英粵繁(雙語)
Hswgv$n [ 格 式 ] TVmpgII to RMVB
|!=KLJUA [畫面圖元] 512X384
Ov5*&*P [影像壓縮] 5000K/s
^HM9'*&KJ [ 清 晰 ] 高
3/<A ^ [ 音 質 ] 高
vDA [檔案大小] 535MB
5 Y|(i1 4qc0Q
A% The Mummy Returns 盜墓迷城 2
D=6D9c? 4 Feb 2007
k.dQ;v} zs_^m1t1s The story is set in 1933, 10 years after the events of the first film. Rick O'Connell is now married to Evelyn and the couple has settled in London, where they are raising their 8-year-old son Alex. When a chain of events finds the corpse of Imhotep resurrected in the British Museum, the mummy Imhotep walks the earth once more, determined to fulfill his quest for immortality. But another force has also been set loose in the world... one born of the darkest rituals of ancient Egyptian mysticism, and even more powerful than Imhotep. When these two forces clash, the fate of the world will hang in the balance, sending the O'Connells on a desperate race to save the world from unspeakable evil, and rescue their son before it is too late...
_?IP}} jA: (H*d">`mz 故事發生於第一集《盜墓迷城》之後十年,那時艾歷與伊芙琳已搬到倫敦居住,並育有8歲可愛兒子艾力斯,生活好不美滿。怎料,英國大英博物館卻從埃及運來具有歷史價值的炎皓鐵木乃伊到英國展覽;而炎皓鐵又竟然復活過來,更進行徹底破壞。另邊廂,艾力斯一次無意中戴上具有神秘力量的手鐲,卻怎樣也脫不下來,更被手鐲帶領到埃及去。原來,手鐲與六千年前古埃及的蠍子王有關,當年蠍子王因違背諾言被埃及神詛咒;今次手鐲讓他甦醒過來,他誓要率領大軍重返人間摧毀一切。
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A61g 炎皓鐵加上蠍子王,兩股邪惡勢力走在一起,人類性命堪矣。艾歷和伊芙琳眼見艾力斯不幸牽涉其中,唯一方法只有再次與惡勢力決一死戰。
[ 此贴被ii在2007-02-15 07:55重新编辑 ]