[原創] 贖金之王 (I) ( II) 英粵繁(雙語) TVmpgII to RMVB
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GvQKFgO6h 完檔朋友,請做3-5小時種,連續3天,我便滿意
=8:m:Y&|`G [原創]已苦,証明也煩,ii@BT精神.襟
*S ,5 mux_S2x9m\ [節目名稱] 贖金之王 (I) ( II)
-]HPDN,OB [ 類 型 ] 電視電影
B7HNNX [語音文字] 英粵繁(雙語)
W?is8r: [ 格 式 ] TVmpgII to RMVB
o,}`4_N|| [畫面圖元] 512X384
,v(K|P@ [影像壓縮] 5000K/s
l-4+{6lz [ 清 晰 ] 高
fP<Tvf [ 音 質 ] 高
GIG\bQSv2 [檔案大小] 每集約540-580MB
LE$_qX`L >#~!03
4B?8$&b Shanghai Noon 贖金之王
c4H5[LPF 7 Jul 2006
j_YpkKhen m?wPZ^u 清朝大內侍衛黃忠(成龍飾)一天瞧見「格格」佩佩(劉玉玲飾)的花容,驚為天人。不幸地,綁匪同時窺準佩佩為綁架目標,將她擄到美國新大陸去,並要求清朝交出黃金十萬以換回佩佩。清帝為了面子,遂派出三名侍內密探往付贖金,拯救佩佩。未被選中的黃忠,唯有跟著當是次翻譯官的叔叔,隨大隊前往美國西部。
7:iTx;,v t6m&+N 路上,黃忠與因騎劫火車失敗的烏龍大賊莢爾不打不相識,當莢爾得悉黃忠要拯救漂亮的「格格」身上懷有十萬條黃金,即時自動請纓協助。兩人合作下,終於順利從綁匪手中救回「格格」佩佩;而佩佩有感女性在美國的地位遠較家鄉高,更有自由,逐與黃忠一起留在美國繼續生活。
otaB$Bb )\oLUuL`; g+'=#NS} The Wild West meets the Far East in a battle for honor, royalty and a trunk full of gold when acrobatic Chinese Imperial Guard Chon Wang comes to America to rescue beautiful Princess Pei Pei who has been kidnapped from The Forbidden City. With the help of a partner he doesn't trust, a wife he didn't expect, a horse with a personality all its own and martial arts moves no one can believe, Chon finds himself facing the meanest gunslingers in "Shanghai Noon."
^I2+$ YhQ;>Ko
nM]Sb|1: Shanghai Knights 贖金之王2皇廷激戰
$hv o^$ 12 Nov 2006
Y.FqWJP=p n~
`1KC4 莊榮的父親是中國的御前高官,在國內擁有掌管三軍的指揮權。一天,身在美國的莊榮接獲父親被神秘高手暗算遇害的消息,悲痛莫名;及後在親妹阿玲(范文芳飾)的協助下,終於查到兇手正藏身於英格蘭。莊榮遂向萊爾求助,要求合力前往英格蘭緝拿真兇,為父報仇。
N1dv}!/*.+ C(/{53G( 莊榮、萊爾和阿玲三人初到英格蘭,對維多利亞時代的英國文化充滿好奇。同時,萊爾對阿玲一見鍾情,也趁機展開猛烈追求,搞出笑話連篇。追捕兇徒期間,三人身陷險境,更撞破了由中、英叛國大臣(甄子丹飾)策劃推翻兩國皇朝的驚天國際陰謀。戰爭一觸即發,莊榮三人如何阻止兩國開火?
m+&)eQ: A6-K~z^ After taming the Wild West in the comedy “Shanghai Noon,” Chon Wang (JACKIE CHAN) and Roy O’Bannon (OWEN WILSON) are back in the saddle, but off the range – this time, they’re out to settle a score in civilized London in the sequel, “Shanghai Knights.” When Chon's estranged father is mysteriously murdered, Chon and Roy make their way to London to track down the killer. Chon's sister, Lin, has the same idea, and uncovers a worldwide conspiracy to murder the royal family – but almost no one will believe her. With the help of a kindly Scotland Yard Inspector and a 10-year-old street urchin, the acrobatic Chon (Chan) gives Victorian Britain a kick in the pants as he attempts to avenge his father's death – and keep the romance-minded Roy away from his sister. Hilarious escapades, hair-raising adventure, and high-flying martial arts action await our heroes as they do for Big Ben, Madame Toussaud's, and the Covent Gardens what they did for the Old West.
[ 此贴被刘纹虎在2006-11-16 11:38重新编辑过 ]