[原創] Mission Impossible 職業特工隊01,02 (英粵繁雙語) TVMPG to RMVB 640x480 ii
r70L, `_BNy=`s* http://news.idsam.com/ 新聞組: bt.tv.hk
j>*R]mr6 完檔朋友,請做3-5小時種,連續3天,我便滿意 ~x A-V4.
[原創]已苦,証明也煩,BT@精神 X>1,!I9 sT !~J4 [節目名稱] Mission Impossible
-|J"s$yO4 [ 類 型 ] 電視電影
W^0w [語音文字] 英粵繁 雙語
jlkmLcpf [ 格 式 ] TVmpgII to RMVB
T m_bz&Q [畫面像素] 640X480
@v+ [影像壓縮] 5000K/s
q4R5<LW" [ 清 晰 ] 高
>sfRI]OG [ 音 質 ] 高
whmdcVh. [檔案大小] 每集380-500MB
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Oa$f%O Mission Impossible 1 職業特工隊 01 14 May 2006 09:30p.m
qIVx9jNN Vu)4dD! 伊頓是美國頂尖兒的職業特工,在一次前往布拉格的行動中,全組隊員遭到敵方埋伏,全軍覆沒,只剩下伊頓一人,故被組織認為伊頓就是出賣隊友的「內鬼」。伊頓不甘被屈,一方面要逃避組織的追捕,另一方面又要追查事件真相;過程中,伊頓發現原來還有另一位隊友生還。兩人遂聯袂闖入中央情報局偷取有關機密文件,就在一切似乎即將水落石出之際,伊頓駭然驚覺原來案中有案,事件的發展原來早在某人預計之內......
|*oZ_gI 7FzA* A former Russian spy selling international intelligence on the black market... list containing names of the top undercover agents in the world... a corrupt agent doubling for an unknown organization... mysterious arms dealer... a spy agency ready to disavow the actions or existence of any of its members captured or killed... and one man on a mission
t#Z-mv:( which seems impossible.
r;/4F/6" j.C`U(n}` Mission: Impossible 2 職業特工隊2 21 May 2006 09:30p.m
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| 職業特工伊頓繼布拉格行動之後,今次受命從澳洲追到西班牙,阻止國際犯罪集團的破壞行動。伊頓找回上集的拍檔-電腦天才陸達幫手,途中並邂逅了美艷女賊奈亞,三人心中各有目的,最後攜手合作緝拿這名企圖毀滅世界的恐怖份子。
NgADKrDU GS0;bI4ay 《職業特工隊2》由湯告魯斯親自監製,繼1996年《職業特工隊》取得的理想票房成績後,電影商今次找來從香港走到荷里活的導演吳宇森為續集執導。不負所望,續集好評如潮,票房更勝第一集,而全球收入高達五億四千萬美元。
1/RsptN"v W0y '5` After the outstanding success of “Mission: Impossible” in 1996, which still holds the record for the largest non-sequel Memorial weekend opening; Tom Cruise reprises his role as agent Ethan Hunt for director John Woo in this summer's romantic action-thriller, M:I-2.
#Vl 0.l3 NMW#AZVd Ethan Hunt partners up with Nyah Hall to stop renegade agent Sean Ambrose before he can release a new kind of terror -- a biological agent -- on an unsuspecting world. Before the mission is complete, they'll traverse the globe, and choose between everything they love and believe in...
[ 此贴被ii在2006-07-07 09:17重新编辑过 ]