本页主题: [新加坡劇] 西瓜甜不甜 SAY CHEESE 全20集 HDTV-RMVB 華語中字 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

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 [新加坡劇] 西瓜甜不甜 SAY CHEESE 全20集 HDTV-RMVB 華語中字


【檔案大小】 : 200mb ~ 250mb
【影片格式】 : RMVB
【發音語言】 : 華語配音
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕

Peace Photography Studio is an established but traditional studio founded 80 years ago and had 5 branches in its heyday. Now, there’s only a single studio left and is managed by Pan Ren Yi (Richard Low) and daughter Ze Jia (Joanne Peh). Ze Jia quietly helped out at the studio as she feels indebted to Ren Yi who helped her settle a huge debt 10 years ago, and as a result, she remained single since then. Ke Yuan Hang (Romeo Tan) is a newspaper reporter who is kind and magnanimous, although 5 years younger than Ze Jia, a friendship soon developed. While Ze Jia is irritable and impatient, Yuan Hang is gentle and caring. Their hindrances do not stop there, as Ren Yi is constantly at loggerheads with Yuan Hang’s mother, Hong Zi Yi (Chen Li Ping). Due to Ren Yi’s temperament, he does not get along with all his children, the matter is made worse when Ze Jia’s mother suddenly died in a car accident. Can Ze Jia and Yuan Hang prevail amidst these family troubles ? Can they come together and revive the photo studio which is hurtling into the sunset ?

和平照相馆是个老字号,创办至今,已经八十年,潘仁义(刘谦益),外号西瓜叔,继承了照相馆,曾经发扬光大到五间店铺,后逐渐没落,只剩下一。西瓜叔最小的女儿潘泽家(白薇秀),和父亲一起经营着苟延残喘的照相馆。泽家是个没自信心的老处女,十年前轻信了男朋友的话,亏空公款让男朋友买股票还公寓首期,西瓜叔帮了她还债,求情让泽家老板不报警,泽家觉得亏欠父亲,便呆在店里帮助父亲,一呆便呆了十年。洪远航(陈罗密欧)是个报馆记者,为人热心助人,善待人,不断饶恕人。虽然比泽家小5岁,可是两人投缘,渐渐成为知心好友。 泽家的个性急躁没耐性、而远航的个性温和又体贴。不仅如此,仁义还常常与远航的母亲洪紫怡(陈莉萍)冲突。仁义操控欲强又非常固执、导致他与孩子们之间的关系破裂。妻子的意外身亡也给他非常大的打击。他后来病倒了,整个人也变得沉默寡言。泽家和远航是否能解决家中的纠纷,两个有情人终成眷属呢?照相馆是否面临被时代淘汰的恶运?

西瓜甜不甜 Say Cheese

[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch01
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch02
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch03
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch04
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch05
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch06
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch07
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch08
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch09
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch10
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch11
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch12
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch13
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch14
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch15
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch16
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch17
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch18
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch19
[Mov8] Say Cheese Ch20
[ 此帖被jsooi2000在2018-10-9 15:40重新编辑 ]
顶端 Posted: 2018-08-30 18:29 | [楼 主]
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