Ihl]"76q/ 5)gC< 【英语抒情】Mandy Moore(曼迪·摩尔)-Walk Me Home(TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》插曲@CD Version)[好正~~~优美嘅旋律~~推荐!!!] ^n\g, xDmwiVy K{ FBrh @j%7tfW VZ2CWE)t d2g7,axi 歌曲:Walk Me Home(TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》插曲) vnX~OVz2
歌手:曼迪·摩尔(Mandy Moore) I3Ad+]v
专辑:TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》原声带 p
公司:香港无线TVB }w)wW1&
语言:粤语 [Fr <tKtB
介绍:聚集一半TVB当家花旦和小生的时装情仇电视剧“珠光宝气”热播中,插曲“Walk Me Home”选自曼迪·摩尔(Mandy Moore)的2000发行的专辑“I Wanna Be With You”,【忌廉棉花糖】推荐。 Qaiqx"x3
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Walk Me Home(TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》插曲)歌词: X
Walk me home #jw%0H;l]
I don't wanna go all the way alone quFNPdP
Baby would you walk with me home WX$AOnEv
Baby would you take my hand "}uV=y
Come with me now to our special land, Ul|htB<1:
Baby would you walk with me home? IY|>'}UU#
Home... P_M!h~
It's 3 a.m., {%X[Snv
and you're on my mind once again M|7{ZE`Y
I must've been dreamin... <ol?9tm
Thought I felt your heartbeat just then ul\FZT 4
Then I wondered how it would be ~B`H5#
If I was your lady 1*B'o<?P1
And you were my friend d*:J0J(
I would put my heart in your hands PB@jh}
And it would never end... \%.&$z3wz
Baby would you walk me home Bo/i =/7%
I don't wanna go all the way alone .kDJuJ^
Baby would you walk with me home qnw8#!%I
Baby would you take my hand (z%OK[
Come with me now to our special land !:1BuiL
Baby would you walk with me home F>5)Clq
Home...home... ~|`jIqU
G\*`%B_ n
I hold your picture, next to my heart, szy2"~hm
all the time. cUU"*bA#
Aw, ya baby. 7i9wfc h$U
You're my dream come true, qkq^oHI
So glad your mine <;dFiI-GO#
And I wondered how it would be ='HLA-uT
If I was your lady g"D:zK)
And you were my friend .H5^ N\V|
I would put my heart in your hands 0Y*Ag,S
And it woud never end ;-kg3fGB1Q
Baby would you walk me home YU1z\pK
I don't wanna go all the way alone m>'#664q1
Baby would you walk with me home 8*(|uX
Baby would you take my hand qWI8 >my11
Come with me now to our special land
Baby would you walk with me home r6}-EYq=
Home... |TuFx=~5v
Every day and night I wanna hold you .WW|v
(Hold you) 3n1 >+8
Understand that I am gonna love you }/F9(m
In my own special way M V~3~h8
Baby would you walk me home [S[@ Q[zP@
I don't wanna go all the way alone wmit>69S
Baby would you walk with me home m?`$NJST
Baby would you take my hand QeD ;GzG
Come with me now to our special land ]U5/!e
Baby would you walk with me home 4J2C#Cs
Baby would you walk me home O4,?C)
I don't wanna go all the way alone E^V4O l<
Baby would you walk with me home NKRH>2,
~ <
Home...Home...won't you walk with me home 1zY"Uxp
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[ 此贴被忌廉棉花糖在2009-02-15 22:36重新编辑 ]