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5dFV2 【英语抒情】Mandy Moore(曼迪·摩尔)-Walk Me Home(TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》插曲@CD Version)[好正~~~优美嘅旋律~~推荐!!!] y|0I3n]e B$kp\yL jpW(w($XL /naGn@m5u dtT2h>h9 9b}AZ]$ 歌曲:Walk Me Home(TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》插曲) [AHZOA
歌手:曼迪·摩尔(Mandy Moore) !s:v UY58
专辑:TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》原声带 &ivPY
公司:香港无线TVB $}/Q%r
语言:粤语 3ZKaqwK
时间:2008.10.22 $={WtR
介绍:聚集一半TVB当家花旦和小生的时装情仇电视剧“珠光宝气”热播中,插曲“Walk Me Home”选自曼迪·摩尔(Mandy Moore)的2000发行的专辑“I Wanna Be With You”,【忌廉棉花糖】推荐。 \p&a c&]
Walk Me Home(TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》插曲)歌词: /Vy8%
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Walk me home ErDt~FH
I don't wanna go all the way alone rLm:qu(F1
Baby would you walk with me home }ST0?_0F*
Baby would you take my hand D(]])4
Come with me now to our special land, A-dL_3
Baby would you walk with me home? F
Home... u/h!i@_w[
It's 3 a.m., r|WoM39bp
and you're on my mind once again 5 ^\f[
I must've been dreamin... y/}>)o4Q
Thought I felt your heartbeat just then zJfoU*G/B
Then I wondered how it would be h4GR:`
If I was your lady mYudUn4Wo
And you were my friend fDdTs@)6
I would put my heart in your hands 3d{v5. C#X
And it would never end... oJk$ +v6
Baby would you walk me home "}bk
I don't wanna go all the way alone X`ifjZ9}d
Baby would you walk with me home .~4>5W"u
Baby would you take my hand H>-?/H
Come with me now to our special land 27vLI~
Baby would you walk with me home TA}z3!-y*
Home...home... cz/mUU
I hold your picture, next to my heart, !}()mrIlP
all the time. 5hE8b
Aw, ya baby. ,>%AEN6N2
You're my dream come true, FeS6>/
So glad your mine HnVUG4yZTD
And I wondered how it would be S\Qh#yFT
If I was your lady {MKq
And you were my friend Kg>+5~+E?q
I would put my heart in your hands jow^~
And it woud never end -9{}rE
Baby would you walk me home pF.Ws,nQ5
I don't wanna go all the way alone CScM;U=
Baby would you walk with me home qJW>
Baby would you take my hand dH!k{3bL
Come with me now to our special land 0i$jtCCL(
Baby would you walk with me home N7Z&_$B
Home... G`w,$:,
Every day and night I wanna hold you oC U8;z
(Hold you) ~@z5Ld3xz
Understand that I am gonna love you 0(3t#
In my own special way AY0o0\6cw
Baby would you walk me home &}w,bG$
I don't wanna go all the way alone h|%d=`P,
Baby would you walk with me home
Baby would you take my hand 8pDJz_F!{
Come with me now to our special land nAd
Baby would you walk with me home V
Baby would you walk me home u[ s+YGS
I don't wanna go all the way alone <g,k[
Baby would you walk with me home u|8`=
Home...Home...won't you walk with me home IQScsqM
Walk_Me_Home歌词由【忌廉棉花糖】收集整理! ffm19 B= %)l2dK&9"j K
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[ 此贴被忌廉棉花糖在2009-02-15 22:36重新编辑 ]