RcI0n"Gi_ d+8|aS<A 【英语抒情】Mandy Moore(曼迪·摩尔)-Walk Me Home(TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》插曲@CD Version)[好正~~~优美嘅旋律~~推荐!!!] @Hp=xC9V f-}_ lgHzI( jwwst\f 4'`*Sce} zfGr1; 歌曲:Walk Me Home(TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》插曲) S8]YS@@D
歌手:曼迪·摩尔(Mandy Moore) ZQ#AE VI,
专辑:TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》原声带 >LEp EMJ\
公司:香港无线TVB m W4tW
语言:粤语 k~$}&O
时间:2008.10.22 o-]8)G>~M
介绍:聚集一半TVB当家花旦和小生的时装情仇电视剧“珠光宝气”热播中,插曲“Walk Me Home”选自曼迪·摩尔(Mandy Moore)的2000发行的专辑“I Wanna Be With You”,【忌廉棉花糖】推荐。 Xkp`1UTH
Walk Me Home(TVB电视剧《珠光宝气》插曲)歌词: HR?a93
Walk me home v,c:cKj
I don't wanna go all the way alone 8';huq@C{
Baby would you walk with me home I%ZSh]On
Baby would you take my hand T7XbbU
Come with me now to our special land, i}ti
Baby would you walk with me home? =xHzhh
It's 3 a.m., ]4-t*Em
and you're on my mind once again 3=kw{r[2lM
I must've been dreamin...
Thought I felt your heartbeat just then I~U;M+n*y
Then I wondered how it would be %;tBWyq}_
If I was your lady Vb8{OD3PK
And you were my friend =doOt 7Rj
I would put my heart in your hands `v1~nNoY
And it would never end... >U'gQS?\]
83YQ c
Baby would you walk me home 1ba* U~OEg
I don't wanna go all the way alone hvU
Baby would you walk with me home !5h@uar
Baby would you take my hand u1i
Come with me now to our special land yM*<BV
Baby would you walk with me home 1
Home...home... _f~m&="T!
I hold your picture, next to my heart, RiM!LX
all the time. +%RB&:K7,
Aw, ya baby. O_/|Wx
You're my dream come true, ,*'aH z
So glad your mine 9q
And I wondered how it would be s~MCt|a
If I was your lady B#;0{
And you were my friend "?T
I would put my heart in your hands
And it woud never end xSoXf0zq:
Baby would you walk me home x$\w^h\F
I don't wanna go all the way alone ~`Xu6+1o
Baby would you walk with me home (qXl=e8
Baby would you take my hand 8|iMD1
Come with me now to our special land X mX
Baby would you walk with me home Kw^tvRt'*
Home... `T;Y%"X!
Every day and night I wanna hold you *<nfA}
(Hold you) Ffp<|2T2_
Understand that I am gonna love you =c(3EI'w
In my own special way fnm:Wa|,%|
Baby would you walk me home C2 ] x
I don't wanna go all the way alone <<[hZ$.
Baby would you walk with me home .JkF{&=B
Baby would you take my hand uuMHD{}?}
Come with me now to our special land Vz,2_QJ
Baby would you walk with me home lm;G8IP`
Baby would you walk me home CAD:ifV
I don't wanna go all the way alone {b6g!sE
Baby would you walk with me home /4Lmu+G4
3qc o2{nz
Home...Home...won't you walk with me home OD"eB?
Walk_Me_Home歌词由【忌廉棉花糖】收集整理! UY**3MK &-
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[ 此贴被忌廉棉花糖在2009-02-15 22:36重新编辑 ]