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Qj m0XK?;\V 专辑名称:Someone Like You
URX>(Y}g9^ 歌手姓名:Susan Wong 黄翠珊
E%9 唱片公司:Evosound
&Q(Q/]U~ 发行日期:August 10, 2007
4+' yJ9~,B 专辑流派:Pop/Jazz
F 推荐指数:★★★★
tezsoR!.ak &tHT6,Xv( 5JIa?i>B 专辑简介:
JU/K\S2%, qmtVk 黄翠珊 Susan Wong 在音响界是一个响当当的名字,更有HiFi天后之称,专门演绎经典的英文金曲。人们对她的来历传说纷纭,有说她是一位酒廊歌手,又有传闻她是来自东南亚地区。原来她是地道的香港人,只是自幼往澳洲留学,说得一口流利的英语。她18岁时曾经加入盛极一时的乐坛,只可惜日本总唱片公司撤离香港,她毅然决定考会计师牌,成为一个专业会计师,直到数年前机缘巧合下,她被邀唱英文金曲,在委靡不振的市道下创出佳绩,开创出自己的一片天地。
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r#G""7 Recorded in Nashville, USA in May this year, the album, Someone Like You, marks a milestone in the unique career of Susan Wong. Since 2003 Susan has earned the tag “Hi-Fi Queen’ & “Diva” for her soft, sexy, romantic and intimate vocal style that has made her one of the top selling Asian female artists throughout S.E.Asia, largely through rave reviews and ‘word of mouth’ from her ever growing legion of fans.
I_'vVbK+> }oj$w?Ex u+z$+[lm!G +%$!sp? 曲目列表:
pkjL2U: p\b:uy6# 01. You've Got A Friend
"xdXHuX 02. True Love Ways
q8P| ] 03. Over The Rainbow
$2 ~A^#"0 04. What A Difference A Day Made
05. When You Say Nothing At All
V,*YM 06. The Other Side Of The Sun
DJ[U^dWRn 07. Come Softly To Me
[$OD+@~A2 08. Make It With You
n M,m#"AI 09. This Girl's In Love With You
-O^ b 10. How Deep Is Your Love
ZTMzL%i 11. Someone Like You
8!#n 12. You Send Me
ATk>:^n 13. Goodnight