07 $o;W@ a}uSm/S 专辑名称:Butterfly Man (Advance)
V1JIht>Opo 歌手姓名:Aaron Ross
]s748+ 唱片公司:Brinkmans
lHIM}~#;nd 发行日期:October 2007
FGQzoS 专辑流派:Folk Rock
IIqUZJ 推荐指数:★★★★
sWSGb D,ln)["xm 专辑简介:
Q3SS/eNP Y4( Aaron Ross is a folk rock artist with a spanish romance suave with music of simplicity and realisim, gets you just rockin your body all over the place when he has a Live Show.
=I~mKn E.>4C[O 2Hv+W-6v ;S*}WqP, 曲目列表:
m#F`] { 4Z,!zFS$` 01. As The Sun Goes Down
<Ok3FE.K 02. Standing On The Bridge
o8vug$=Z 03. Butterfly Man
e0 T\tc 04. Take These Chains
r"R#@V\'1b 05. Lay Low
cFWc<55aX6 06. Delivered
FsryEHz 07. Tired Of Waiting
n-OL0$Xu 08. Come And Get It
e~':(/%|5; 09. New Place
"wHFN>5B 10. When The Night
M 11. Savannakhet Breakdown
:a)u&g@G 12. Only Life
}iuw5dik+ 13. Mandarin Oranges
I!?}jo3 14. Daylight