本页主题: Interpol : Our Love To Admire[Indie Rock][256Kbps VBR][89M][F] 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 强的不是人


 Interpol : Our Love To Admire[Indie Rock][256Kbps VBR][89M][F]

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专辑名称:Our Love To Admire 9EDfd NN  
歌手姓名:Interpol vE@!{*  
唱片公司:Capitol Records ^k5ll=}  
发行日期:July 10, 2007 u0aJu  
专辑流派:Indie Rock dI&!e#Y  
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专辑简介: `ps)0!L L`  
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Our Love To Admire is at once unmistakably Interpol and undeniably new. The witty and perverse "No I In Threesome" is an upbeat ode to shaking up a staid relationship propelled by Carlos D's peerless bass melody while the tenderly observant "Pace Is the Trick" proves that the band are still the masters of the dramatic – check the painful pause right before the sinfully satisfying return of Sam's thundering drums and Daniel's ringing lead guitar. The band's impressively seductive evolution is obvious all over the record, but never more so than on tracks like "Mammoth," "Who Do You Think" and on the album's lyrical centerpiece, the ghostly "Rest My Chemistry." While Daniel is understandably proud of the song he cautions against reading too much autobiography into its lyrics. "We always leave the interpretation to the listener," he says. "I mean, you shouldn't watch a movie for the first time listening to the director's commentary!" drzL.@h|  
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Our Love to Admire closes with "The Lighthouse," a funereal dirge that is among the most unexpected and memorable songs ever recorded by the band. Almost entirely percussion-free, the song is constructed around Daniel's mournful guitar and Paul's sparten lyrics. Not only is it one of their finest moments to date, it provides the album's most goose-bump inducing moment, the very same reflex shivers that make Interpol live shows such an exhilarating experience. As the very last song the band recorded for the album it was, they say, the hardest to play. The hypnotic guitar part was played on a 50-year-old guitar that had toxins on the strings, providing Daniel with a blistering and painful sensation in his fingers. The band weren't even sure the track would make it out of the studio, but once they heard Paul's remarkable vocals they were floored. The song – and the album – doesn’t so much end as it bleeds to a close with a long, echoey coda filled with feedback and strin! gs. A fittingly dramatic end to a stunning and emotional journey. Interpol is back, every bit as good as before but charged with a new spirit, a new direction, a new label and, most of all, a new confidence. `>0MNmu  
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★ 歷時三年漫長等待,頹靡躁鬱樂派唯一指定接班人,加盟新廠牌第三張錄音室專輯 f` =CpO*  
★ 首度禮聘一線金牌製作人Rich Costey(Franz Ferdinand, Muse, Mars Volta)共同合作監製 }bY; q-  
★ 從紐約都會傳奇到全球驚人商業奇蹟,以讓人驚艷的歌曲頌讚靈魂的新生 2 rw%H  
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Interpol被視為復興post-punk的舵手樂隊,成軍於紐約的他們在2002年發表首張專輯《Turn on the Bright Lights》後,便以Joy Division、The Chameleon接班人的姿態,疾速走紅於英美兩地樂壇。NME曾經針對他們的現場演出,做出如下評論:「Interpol現場演出的熱力更甚舞臺上的聚光燈,震懾全場如入仙境,這是歷史性的一刻!」。吉他手Daniel Kessler、鼓手Greg Drudy與鍵盤手/貝斯手Carlos Dengler,過去同樣都在紐約當地求學,在嗓音淡陌卻異常動人的主唱Paul Banks加入後,Interpol的陣容才終於在1998年正式確定。2000年他們首次登臺演出,Sam Fogarino也在此時加入,頂替前鼓手的位置。2004年第二張專輯《Antics》發行時,Interpol已經從紐約當地傳奇組合,一躍成為擁有驚人商業成就的知名樂隊,他們成為眾多專業音樂雜誌的封面人物,並促成無數樂隊模仿跟進,巡迴演出的足跡更遍及全球各大都市。 Bm&kk x.9P  
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事實上自從首張專輯發行後,Interpol直到第二張專輯巡迴演出結束後,才得以挪出時間好好休息養聲。樂團利用這段期間靜下心來,回顧檢視這幾年竄紅的歷程,2006年初他們決心將一切化整為零,團員首度齊聚位於曼哈頓的錄音室,在樂迷三年漫長的等待之後,Interpol轉投新東家,發表第三張彷若新生的錄音室作品《Our Love To Admire》。雖然樂隊的製作功力有目共賭,此次他們特別禮聘一線製作人Rich Costey(Franz Ferdinand, Muse, Mars Volta)共同合作監製,打造出更勝往昔的嶄新樣貌。〈Mammoth〉魅惑動人的指數堪稱首見;〈Pace Is the Trick〉高潮迭起的編曲,他們一如往昔游刃有餘;歌詞意境精準絕妙的〈Rest My Chemistry〉亦是碟內驚喜;〈The Lighthouse〉有如一首哀淒慟絕的輓歌,放在專輯結尾卻有如對樂隊重生的禮讚。在《Our Love To Admire》中Interpol找到屬於自己的靈魂,一個新的開始與方向,你可別因為興奮過度而沒能跟上。  $o$ maA0  
曲目列表: -~?J+o+Pr"  
01. Pioneer to the Falls ,'[<bP'%_  
02. No I in Threesome 8} =JKR^cK  
03. The Scale nF6q7  
04. The Heinrich Maneuver xX*H7#  
05. Mammoth GKN%Tv:D_  
06. Pace Is the Trick GpZ c5c  
07. All Fired Up *`ZH` V  
08. Rest My Chemistry t]7&\ihZi~  
09. Who Do You Think? mM`wITy  
10. Wrecking Ball  r.4LU  
11. Lighthouse
附件: Interpol-Our Love To Admire.torrent (17 K) 下载次数:0 [种子详情]
顶端 Posted: 2007-07-06 20:41 | [楼 主]
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