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 Starbucks CEO Schultz: I was United States dreams

Often in the United States on the streets to see pedestrians pursuing it with eager feet, carrying in his hand a cup of aromatic coffee you just bought from Starbucks. By virtue of “cooking for guests every cup of coffee” business philosophy, the Starbucks from the United States the development of a small shop in Seattle today annual turnover of US $ 9.8 billion of the world’s largest coffee chain. In the United States, speaking of coffee, people naturally think of Starbucks.
Starbucks boss Howard Schultz likes black coffee and disgusted partisan politics. Last summer, the political stalemate in Washington almost United States into default position, then Schulz has initiated activities, combined with other business leaders to resist political contributions. Once again, this year, he launched the “Indivisible” (indivisible) campaign, which focuses on supporting employment.
“Indivisible” this is Starbucks launched a coffee. I recently walked into Starbucks, you immediately see the “indivisibility” activities of advertising, as long as the customer purchases a package worth about $ 15 “Indivisible” coffee, Starbucks will donate $ 5 to the “United States job creation” funds to help more unemployed workers return to work.
Schultz told United States Colombia said in a broadcast interview, now United States number of unemployed exceeded 13 million, in all 50 States in 42 States are facing financial problems, unemployment rates as high as 8.2%. “We can’t wait for Washington to make decisions, we have to let the Americans know that businesses can also play a role. ”
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In fact, as early as 2001, Schulz was established “for the United States job creation” funds, providing a start-up capital of US $ 5 million for the Fund, and engaging customers in their contributions.Contributed over $ 5 per cent of the people will be able to obtain a “Indivisible” armbands. In this way, at present, the Foundation has raised more than US $ 50 million funding. Starbucks through this Fund and other organizations jointly, for some small businesses and new businesses with low interest loans to help them continue to grow, absorbing more of the employed population.
This year United States independence day Eve, Schultz published an open letter. In the letter, Schultz said he is United States dream product. Comes from a poor family, from an early age he live in a low-rent, through access to education and for his tireless efforts, finally have a huge Empire of the coffee industry. He’s everything you are thankful, see tireless work is still difficult for many Americans the breadwinner, while national policymakers on the ideological differences above an effective programme to solve the problem, he did not want to be a spectator, and want to do something about it. He called on Americans to express their opinions on how to change the status quo.
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Resonance of his open letter aroused a lot of Americans. In AZ, it was said that the problem now is because of greed; complaints about the Obama administration and Congress unproductive; it was said that United States dream has been replaced by consumerism, Schultz Starbucks stopped accepting credit card payments should be allowed, in order to reduce Americans ‘ debt; it was also noted that, United States economic problem is the decline of the middle class.
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United States media commented that stores all over the United States Starbucks no longer need such stunts to advertise through the success of the struggle’s Schultz has always been low-key, he was not to pushy, but from the United States political discontent and fear of failure. He wanted to use his influence to seek some changes.
Forbes magazine at the end of articles about Schultz writes that are in the spotlight of the Schultz understands that in order to win the attention to the importance of appropriate reasons.
Last year, Schultz activities have been launched by PepsiCo, United States executives such as online support. Do not know how many of Schulz’s actions will eventually be able to bring this year changes, this entrepreneur himself reflected the sense of social responsibility, and has been very valuable in itself.
Article Source: Gold station-CEO
顶端 Posted: 2012-08-05 02:57 | [楼 主]
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