): ;\DXRKR 专辑名称:A Lily For The Spectre (Advance)
歌手姓名:Stephanie Dosen
t|jX%s= 唱片公司:Bella Union
发行日期:June 7, 2007
6kK\nZ$o$ 专辑流派:Indie Pop
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Mn 专辑介绍:
TL ;2,@H` +/*g?Vt Stephanie Dosen was raised on a peacock farm in Wisconsin. One day while sifting through flotsam in the attic, Stephanie found an old guitar covered in dust. It was her secret prize. During the feather harvest, when everyone was busy, Stephanie would sneak up into the attic to compose songs for boys at school. She also wrote many lullabies for her two favorite pets, a swan and a fox. Stephanie now writes mostly for ghosts with a rusty tape player named jean-pierre that follows her everywhere. He has made it through 7 states and 2 minor sets of injuries but still holds onto her twilight written songs with happiness. The influence of the nightly peacock mewing and swan swimming can still be heard in her music. Her new record a lily for the spectre is filled with driving cradlesongs for ghosts gone astray. She has recently teamed horses with Simon Raymonde (Bella Union Records, Cocteau Twins) who blesses a lily for the spectre with bass and filigree sounds for lost peacocks.
a;|C51GH 7SE\(K=<% 曲目列表:
%3M(!X:[ t,4q]Jt 01.This Joy
n_Px=s!1p@ 02.Vinalhaven Harbor
>wS52ng 03.Only Getting Better
~@S5*(&8 04.Owl In The Dark
b*LEoQSl0V 05.Death And The Maiden
>:%i,K*AM 06.Like A Dream
(Tf 07.Way Out
*A':^vgk 08.Lakes Of Canada
H[#s&Fk2 09.Daydreamers
US A!N 10.By And By
2hV)8Sk 11.Lily For The Spectre