There is a restaurant business is good, crowded, older boss, wants to retire, they found 3 Manager.
1Zp^X:( Fow{-cs_p The boss asked the first Manager: “first, the chicken or the egg? “First manager thought for a minute and replied:” first, the chicken. ”
t..@69 DeN$YE#* Boss then asked the second Manager: “first, the chicken or the egg? “Second Manager confidently replied,” before the egg. ”
Y$ZDJNz aU] nh. a Boss called the third Manager, asked: “first, the chicken or the egg? “Third Manager with calm,” said guest some chicken, chicken first; the first egg, egg first. ”
TfNm0=| )Z`OkkabnD The boss laughed, then promoted the third Manager to General Manager.
O;#0Yg r?Pk}Q Enlightenment: first, the chicken or the egg? If you just think about it, never has the answer. Of this proposition is the third Manager to marketing answers: guests ‘ needs are always the first.
4?x$O{D5?{ &y2DI"Ff Source:
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