本页主题: Leadfinger《The Floating Life(Advance)》[VBRkbps][54M][F] 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 强的不是人


 Leadfinger《The Floating Life(Advance)》[VBRkbps][54M][F]

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专辑名称:The Floating Life uswz@ [pa  
歌手姓名:Leadfinger } 10Dvt>+  
唱片公司:Bang! Records )fCl<KG*  
发行日期:2007-05-05 \3Xt\1qN4  
专辑流派:Rock eL-92]]e  
专辑介绍: %0"o(y+zt  
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 Over the last 16 years Leadfinger has done his time and written many awesome songs for great Australian rock and power-pop bands like Brother Brick, Asteroid B-612, The Proton Energy Pills, The Yes-Men and Challenger-7 but with "the floating life" he set out to do something totally different - all by himself - writing, playing, engineering, recording, producing and mixing "the floating life" from start to finish by himself at his own dodgy home studio under his house on the southern edge of Sydney. The result is an album that is definitely unlike anything else you are likely to hear this year, bluesy and dark and at times electric with high energy and powerful riffs, it veers into the melodic territory of power-pop but with a noisier, harder edge...still with lots of guitars and great songs but with a fresh take on Aussie underground rock'n'roll. "the floating life" sits on the brilliant side of lo-fi and has been described as equal parts Westerberg, Chilton, Kuepper and Hitchcock with Fred 'Sonic' Smith along for the ride on lead guitar!!!!! Stand out tracks are the driving mayhem of "Edge of Suburbia", the 4/4 rockin fun of "Thin Lizzy" (think of The Replacements - Alex Chilton but this one is for Phil Lynott) and the stark acoustic power of "a floating life" - a song inspired by the work of Australian underground poet, John Forbes. "the floating life" has plenty of great songs with its main themes revolving around the highs and lows of life as a rock'n'roller on the margins of the music world, it is sure to surprise and endear itself to anyone with ears, so take the punt and check it out. Vinyl lovers will be happy as the amazing 12" gatefold also comes with an extra track that doesn't appear on the CD. The release of "the floating life" has prompted Leadfinger to put together a tough new 3 piece band to promote the record, with Steve O'Brien (ex-Tumbleweed and Monstrous Blues on Bass) on Drums and Wayne Stokes (ex-Thumlock) on bass. The new Leadfinger band have already begun recording what should be a high-energy masterpiece as follow up to "the floating life" and they will be coming to your town soon. b\;QR?16R  
曲目列表: $v>- @  
01.I Went Looking oTfEX4 t {  
02.Edge Of Suburbia %7L'2/Y2x  
03.Thin Lizzy ozGK -$  
04.Boo Radley 3EzI~Zsx  
05.Back In The 'burgh R4qS,2E  
06.So In A Hurry cvc.-7IO  
07.The Sidney Way? LfK <%(:  
08.Bicycle Man KL -8Aj~  
09.A Floating Life Cu9,oU+N  
10.The Philadelphia Ruse \WZ00Y,*  
11.The Music Had The Last Sa
顶端 Posted: 2007-05-06 22:55 | [楼 主]
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