引用第28楼月亮是我k彎于2007-01-12 15:29发表的:顺便买条送比我,哈....
引用第29楼戰神1號于2007-01-12 15:31发表的:你有野做,怕咩买!
引用第32楼月亮是我k彎于2007-01-12 15:41发表的:E D叫现学现卖
引用第33楼Eunice※Like于2007-01-12 15:45发表的:果然喺好学,好学生
引用第34楼月亮是我k彎于2007-01-12 15:46发表的:甘好学生系米应该比D奖励先???
引用第35楼Eunice※Like于2007-01-12 15:46发表的:就俾你2蚊
引用第36楼月亮是我k彎于2007-01-12 15:49发表的:买糖都吾够...
引用第37楼Eunice※Like于2007-01-12 15:51发表的:你个D咩糖啊,甘贵,唔好去个到买啦
引用第38楼月亮是我k彎于2007-01-12 15:52发表的:甘你有咩好介绍?
引用第39楼戰神1號于2007-01-12 16:04发表的:买盐!
引用第44楼sio_fai于2007-01-12 18:10发表的:哦,但係好難bo
引用第48楼kittykat于2007-01-13 00:26发表的:Go to the main Levi's boutique and i bet they sell the genuine Levi's. One thing i look for when i buy Levi is to look at the lines of the jeans to see if they are real ones.
引用第53楼little伊于2007-01-13 13:36发表的:i mean 拉鏈果度刻住LEVI'S g咖,唔係YKK.One thing i look for when i buy Levi is to look at the lines of the jeans to see if they are real ones.如上。佢都係話睇條鏈果度。