本页主题: Evans Blue:The Pursuit Begins When This Portrayal~~[Rock] 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 强的不是人


 Evans Blue:The Pursuit Begins When This Portrayal~~[Rock]

专辑名称:The Pursuit Begins When This Portrayal Of Life Ends \E Z+#3u  
歌手姓名:Evans Blue BjiYv}J  
唱片公司:Hollywood Records Gfv(w=rr?  
发行日期:July 24, 2007 GJX4KA8J  
专辑流派:Rock Rv vh{U;t  
推荐指数:★★★★ /KAlK5<  
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专辑介绍: z!:'V]  
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A dilemma arose when you started to regress back to who you never wanted to be. The pursuit begins when this PORTRAYAL of life ends, and it will start on your count or it will never start at all. There is an evolution, and it feels similar but it runs through different parts of your body. It is a sound that is more distinct, and it is collected and displayed by 5 minds attacking one medium. It is evans|blue. $_)=8"Sn  
It came quickly this time around, and for every beat he hammered out there was a note to match. He was low, distinct and solid. Their aggression pounds down in spades, but there's beauty intertwined within his crushing sound of clean and distortion. He walks through layers with delayed momentum and ties everything together. There's a growl in his voice that won't be contained. The music comes together in his favor, and he rests above it in a lofty place, speaking words about failure, war, hurt and the hope of better things to come. " \:ced  
The melody is still fresh in your head, and the energy is still inside you. The volume continues, and it feels natural. It's altered this time around. It's darker, and it makes you think a little deeper. You retreat to the most basic levels of existence and wait there with your regrets but also with your ability to overcome adversity. Your mind goes from closed to narrow to open, and you've finally realized that J^fm~P>.  
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曲目列表: ;-Ss# &  
01. In A Red Dress And Alone pW{8R^vKm  
02. Shine Your Cadillac {]^2R>0Q  
03. Q (The Best One Of Our Lives) #XI"@pD  
04. Kiss The Flag u?kD)5Nk  
05. My Damsel: A Confession To An Adversary ,-@5NY1q  
06. Pin-Up 7UKYm Jk.  
07. Caught A Lite Sneeze < A?<N?%o  
08. Fear snYr9O[E6  
09. Dear Lucid, Our Time Is Right Now B;!f<"a8  
10. Painted +yWR#[`n  
11. The Pursuit A W)a">|  
12. Kiss The Flag (Acoustic Version) (Bonus Track)
顶端 Posted: 2007-09-15 08:03 | [楼 主]
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