本页主题: Jack's Mannequin : The Glass Passenger[Pop Rock][225kbps avg] 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 新人


 Jack's Mannequin : The Glass Passenger[Pop Rock][225kbps avg]

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专辑名称:The Glass Passenger (9mMkU=  
歌手姓名:Jack's Mannequin c<BO gNr  
唱片公司:Sire Q U F$@)A  
发行日期:2008年9月30日 5Wj; [2 )  
专辑流派:Pop Rock 0g<K[mPr7  
推荐指数:4星 ^t *x*m8  
专辑介绍: cj|*_}  
The Glass Passenger is the upcoming second studio album by American rock band Jack's Mannequin, set to be released by Sire Records on 30 September 2008 in the United States. It will be the band's first studio album on Sire Records, after Everything in Transit (2005) was released through Maverick Records. Sire released two of the album's new songs on the The Ghost Overground EP, on 5 August 2008, along with "The Resolution" as the album's first single. G>Em! 4h  
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Lead singer Andrew McMahon was diagnosed with a form of cancer in 2005, on the day they finished mastering the last song for their debut album. Jack's Mannequin didn't return to playing shows until the end of that year, and didn't begin writing until after the summer of 2007. The Glass Passenger was recorded by producer Jim Wirt in November-December 2007, and mixed by Chris Lord-Alge. It experienced a series of delays, originally being given a tentative April 2008 release, now being pushed back five months to September. z ggB$5  
This album leaked onto the Internet on the 19th of August 2008. 5;TuVU.8Q  
曲目列表: a>B[5I5  
1. The Resolution Y ?r po  
2. Spinning wj|x:YZ*  
3. Swim a)! g7u  
4. American Love i_LF`JhEQT  
5. What Gets You Off W:VP1 :  
6. Crashing xaKst p  
7. Annie Use Your Telescope hsG#6?l3  
8. Suicide Blonde rt+..t\  
9. Drop Out - The So Unknown 5lJ )(|_  
10. Lillaby 1GE|Wd  
11. Bloodshot kao}(?x%  
12. Orphans '!Kf#@';u  
13. Caves
顶端 Posted: 2008-08-23 00:29 | [楼 主]
级别: 强的不是人



顶端 Posted: 2008-08-23 06:29 | 1 楼
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