Do you big me?你大我呀? (:]on^| *^q%b/ f many people die no see you die!甘多人死吾见你去死~! ?oX.$E?( TS{ycGY Piano piano green 琴琴青 8Yq_6 o3~ecJ?k Peter piano piano green go to school. 彼得琴琴青返學。 \-B8`ah J2W: Q I know your mouse. 我識你老鼠 ! R4Vi*H jNa'l<dn] You teach me how to come out and walk in the future? 你教我以後點出黎行? MxO0# yBwgLn I give you some colour to see. 我俾D顏色你睇! IMDGinHAy b-rgiR$cg If you have enough ginger,put your horse to me. 如果你夠薑的話就放馬過o黎! QK3j.Ss :Ojsj_Z;; Blow water吹水 ~]_gq;bG d)&}%
2ku Monster of blowing water.吹水怪 D> |R.{ ' s6SKjZS Blow chicken吹雞 7C%z0/ !Z*2X
^ I blow chicken to beat your group of the guys. El$yM.M" 我吹雞打你班友 。 Z2,[-8,Kx [80L|?, * Stupid stupid want to move蠢蠢欲動 E6
2{sA^ 1\_S1ZS Face green green臉青青 5P'<X p I8C(z1(N "Why did you get face green green" "I saw a pork chop" pPNU0]/ 「點解你臉青青既」 「我見到件豬排呀」 EfTuHg$pe XeGtge/}T You see road carefully你小心睇路 。 &f
2'cR >P@JiR<@\n You go to street carefully你出街小心D。 e.8(t
EqZ1 S"*M9*8 You jump building.你跳樓啦。 *U[Nn5#? ;cye
'E People mountain people sea人山人海 。 !KYX\HRW j?5s/ Are you road?你係唔係路呀? C(t>ZR +:JyXFu Eat banana食蕉 g\Ck!KJ/y -+
#QZ7b You come back home and eat banana你返屋企食蕉啦 。 s<}d)L( @vy{Q7aM How senior are you?你算老幾? X`REhvT @wzzI 7}C What the water are you?你係乜水? H<hFA(M //
[zUn Where are you come from?你邊度架? q4'Vb ]VarO' Zebra chops people班馬劈友 。 4 w$f- ?3X(`:KB Do the world做世界 。 JjD'2"z ?b}d"QsmU Big tea rice大茶飯 。 #&L[?jEn 9_~[ What the ghost are you talk?你講乜鬼? BCrX>Pp}r 7q%<JZPY Cut girl 界女 {C% #r@6 |
oYqkP| The king of cutting girl.界女王。
k7R8Q~4 0`{3|g Cut my head and let you sit on it as a chair.批我個頭俾你當凳坐! Rh=,]Y
+Wr"c I give you only a hair.我俾條毛你! I UMt^z 2HxT+|~d6 Collect father收爹 k^x[(gw 1;e"3x" You give me collect father.你給我收爹! 7K*\F}2)q , Ww\C Do you think me didn't arrive?你當我無到?
PT`];C(he aJQx"6c? Laugh die me.笑死我。 P|:*OM
p sHt
PO[h You give me stop.你同我企係度。 \R m2c8Z2 x]1G u American chinese not enough.美中不足。 m'L7K K-Y) 'aq9]D_k Heart flower angry open.心花怒放。 2+Y8b:: k|O?qE1hP You have seed ,I will give you some colour to see,brothers,together up. pl-2O $ 你有種!我會俾D顏色你睇下,兄弟一齊上! 0n'~wz"wB r87)?-B Eight woman八婆 efK3{
C(ay7 Eight woman,you are good!八婆,你好野! ( %i)A$i6a c
h_1- King eight egg.王八蛋 u{H'evv0O =p1aF/1$I Black son黑仔 igoUKDNiQ- 0<,Q7onDD: Today I was very black son.今日好黑仔! nb
-Je+ /Ir|& <yB Wear grass著草 >.tP7= Ps0g I am wearing grass.我著緊草。 -T
s8y &~%(
RO I fear that you have teeth.我驚你有牙!
-<R" L\:f#b~W High hand.高手 lzKJy W6Os|z9&| A stupid guy can be taught.孺子可教 WHV]H dMA"% R To collect hundred home's big achievement.集百家之大成 9$9Pv%F:j )N) "O? W9 Good mother.好娘 \XG18V& -H@Gyw
You have not enough class to talk mathematics with me!你未夠班同我講數! (z[|\6O w85PRruW Old dot.老點 bdn{Y y=L9E? One old water 一舊水 ]"Do%< |