[原創] X-Men,X2 變種特攻01-02 (英粵繁雙語) TVMPG to RMVB 640x480 ii
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h;Mu[` )+GX<2_ 完檔朋友,請做3-5小時種,連續3天,我便滿意 0/A-#'>
[原創]已苦,証明也煩,BT@精神 HYIRcY x70N8TQ_gK [節目名稱] X-Men,X2
wixD\t59X [ 類 型 ] 電視電影
1M+Zkak7p [語音文字] 英粵繁 雙語
O)<r>vqe} [ 格 式 ] TVmpgII to RMVB
9".Uc8^p/F [畫面像素] 640X480
pI^=B-7 [影像壓縮] 5000K/s
@a;sV!S{ [ 清 晰 ] 高
Yk7"XP[Y [ 音 質 ] 高
d=nh [檔案大小] 每集380-450MB
`QLowna j;0ih_Z@4W X-Men 變種特攻 28 May 2006, 09:35p.m.
lZ a?Y@ GMb!Q0I8 電影由流行漫畫改編而成,並由Patrick Stewart和Ian McKellen演出。在未來世界中,有一群人類的基因漸起變化,繼而變成擁有特異功能的變種特工。受到邪惡勢力的襲擊,這群正義之士齊集,揭發出驚世的改變基因計劃,令整個人類世界備受威脅!為了拯救人類,變種特工施展渾身解數,與邪惡勢力進行一場角力戰……
XJ,>Lv # ITLz!gE Based on the long-running Marvel comic book series, X-MEN takes place in the near future, as certain humans are evolving into mutants with special powers.
h#R&=t1,^ ,)uPGe"y In the Canadian wilderness, a young runaway mutant named Rogue and a bad-tempered, quick-healing mutant with retractable metal claws called Wolverine are suddenly attacked by Sabertooth, one of Magneto's powerful lackeys. Fortunately, Cyclops and Storm, students of the compassionate Professor Charles Xavier, interfere and bring them back to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Here Wolverine and Rogue learn more about the conflict between Xavier and the militant Magneto, who wants to power a device that will genetically alter humans, with possibly deadly results. Only Xavier's students can stop Magneto's plans
$6x=uZ a(Sv,@/ X2 變種特攻2 4 Jun 2006, 09:35p.m.
d<Dn9,G E3tj/4:L 《變種特攻》來到第二集,故事開始,美國總統就遭到神秘暗殺,這正與前任軍官S將軍的反變種人計劃有關。S將軍從磁力王口中得悉X博士的基地設於一所天才兒童學校中,遂進行突襲,大肆破壞,更擄走學校中的天才學童。狼人唯有暫且拋開尋找身世之謎事宜,聯袂羅剎前往營救,惜過程中出了意外。變種特攻出了意外,S將軍的計劃又進行得如火如荼,X博士為此懊惱不已。
m9my2oE R#fy60 此時,邪惡的磁力王為了報復計劃遊說X博士與之聯盟,夾在中間的X博士知道若要與S將軍抗衡,就得跟磁力王合作。進退維谷的他,深明正邪之戰在所難免的道理,他會如何處理?
;y>'yq} n2;(1qr They are the next link in the evolutionary chain. Each was born with a unique genetic mutation which manifested itself in extraordinary powers. In a world increasingly filled with hatred and prejudice, they are outcasts who are feared and loathed by those who cannot accept their differences. Despite society's pervasive ignorance, the X-Men and thousands of mutants across the globe survive.
[ 此贴被ii在2006-07-07 09:14重新编辑过 ]