[原創] [TVB] Titanic 鐵達尼號 ii 英粵繁(雙語) TVmpgII to RMVB 512X384
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xm@vx}O: |fXwH> 'sw [節目名稱] [TVB] Titanic 鐵達尼號 (Eng.Can) ii
nu{bEp [ 類 型 ] 電視電影
1LTl=tS# [語音文字] 英粵繁(雙語)
fLi [ 格 式 ] TVmpgII to RMVB
WN?1J4H [畫面圖元] 512X384
.6Swc? [影像壓縮] 5000K/s
p&wXRI [ 清 晰 ] 高
\`N%77A [ 音 質 ] 高
Gld|w=qr [檔案大小] 765MB
6Sh0%Fs #un#~s
7Q Titanic 鐵達尼號 08:30p.m.
xU/Eu;m ][8ZeM9&p 鐵達尼號啟航的一天,超過二千人前來慶祝這件盛事,而千金小姐露絲與母親及未婚夫也一同參與;同時,年輕素描家積也因與人賭博而贏得三等艙的船票。兩個天南地北的人,因一次邂逅,彼此深深吸引;早已厭倦被軟禁於貴族籠中的露絲對積的開朗坦誠甚為欣賞,而積也決意要消除露絲心中的憂鬱。積與露絲開始來往,而此事被露絲的母親和未婚夫知道,加以阻撓,未婚夫送上價值連城的頸鏈「海洋之心」,希望挽回露絲的心。露絲並未因此動容,反而更覺未婚夫之勢利,相對更加愛上積的沒有機心。
2.=3:q!H<% a9=,P 啟航後兩日,遊輪在加拿大東岸遇上冰山,由於遊輪的龐大來不及閃避,船身右側被冰山割裂,船艙入水,遊輪估計在兩個小時後被大海吞噬;然而船上的救生艇只能載一半乘客,船上各人陷入一片恐慌。與此同時,積被誣蔑偷去「海洋之心」,被關進地下室;為了救積,露絲放棄與母親及未婚夫離開。露絲與積一同跑到船頭,看著遊輪慢慢向下沉沒,二人更在冰海之中掙扎,最後積把露絲推上一塊木板,著她好好活下去。
U[\aj;g) 3%Jg' Tr+ "Titanic" is an epic, action-packed romance set against the ill-fated maiden voyage of the R.M.S. Titanic, the pride and joy of the White Star Line and, at the time, the largest moving object ever built. Rose DeWitt Bukater is a 17-year-old, upper-class American suffocating under the rigid confines and expectations of Edwardian society who falls for a free-spirited young steerage passenger named Jack Dawson. Once he opens her eyes to the world that lies outside her gilded cage, Rose and Jack's forbidden love begins a powerful mystery that ultimately echoes across the years into the present. Nothing on earth is going to come between them -- not even something as unimaginable as the sinking of Titanic.
[ 此贴被ii在2007-02-13 00:21重新编辑 ]