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 6,124 couples kiss, break world record - 6124夫妇亲吻,打破一项世界纪录

MANILA, Philippines - More than 6,000 couples kissed simultaneously at midnight Saturday in the Philippines with organizers of the event claiming to have set a new world record.

Couple Lawrence Bernabe and Khaye Hermosa kiss each other amid the fireworks during the kissing festival called Lovapalooza Saturday, Feb. 10, 2007 in suburban Pasay City south of Manila. [AP]

Organizers of the annual pre- Valentine's Day celebration said they broke the record held by Hungary, where 5,875 couples kissed simultaneously in Budapest in 2005.

"We broke the record, it's great," said Howard Belton, a Briton who spearheaded the event.

With fireworks, confetti, a giant TV screen, and red balloons as the backdrop, couples locked lips and hugged for 10 seconds following a countdown outside a Manila mall.

An unofficial tally showed 6,124 couples kissed simultaneously, organizers said, but the number needs to be verified by an independent auditor and approved by Guinness World Record officials before it becomes a world record.

"It was our first time to join the celebration and we participated to be able to beat the record of Hungary," said Katherine Hermosa, who was with her boyfriend.

马尼拉 菲律宾6000多对夫妇同时亲吻周六午夜在菲律宾活动的组织者声称 为了树立了新的世界纪录. 劳伦斯夫妇和khayeHermosa案bernabe亲吻对方接吻节期间烟花爆竹声称为lovapalooza星期六、 2007年2月10日在马尼拉南部帕赛市的近郊. [鸭]组织者年度前情人节庆祝活动表示他们打破纪录所持匈牙利 如5875年在布达佩斯夫妇亲吻同步2005. "我们打破了纪录,它的伟大"belton霍华德说,如果牵头人是英国人. 烟花、纸屑、大型电视屏幕、红气球为背景, 夫妇热烈拥抱和嘴唇锁定为下一个倒计时10秒之外马尼拉商城. 非官方数字显示,6124夫妇亲吻同时,组织者说, 但数量需要加以核实,由独立审计师和经吉尼斯世界纪录官员面前 成为世界纪录. "这是我们首次参加了庆祝我们能够参加巡逻记录 匈牙利"兆Hermosa案正在与男友.

顶端 Posted: 2007-02-13 02:42 | [楼 主]
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